Thursday, February 12, 2009

Laurie and David's Wedding

We went to Memphis for Laurie and David's wedding. We stopped in Bravard the first night. The next day we went through the beautiful mountains. It was so cold, the water had frozen in the waterfalls. These are pictures of the falls and some icicles on the side of the mountain.

The wedding was really pretty. This is Kaisey and Grandpa. She couldn't wait to get out of her high heels.

McKay and Grandpa. He walked his mother down the isle.
Maddox and Grandpa. He walked his mother down the isle, too.

Taelyn, Grandpa and Bailey. Their dresses were beautiful.

Cutting the cake. Laurie made about 12 cheesecakes for the reception. Each one was a different kind, and really good.

Laurie and David leaving for Nashville.


Jason and Laura said...

It looks lovely. I'm glad you guys had a good trip & you made a new post :)

Laurie Skipper said...

It was so wonderful of you to come.the kids had a great time with you all. you can check out my blog too.

Unknown said...

It looks like the drive was beautiful. And the wedding too. It makes me want to take a road trip!

Peri said...

It does look beautiful. I'm all for Heather's idea. ROAD TRIP!!!